Black sheep brother of the king, alchemist, practitioner of dark arts, etc. He lost his right arm and melted the side of his face in an alchemical accident. He uses the limb of a summoned demon he has under his control, an animal horn chalice contains an elixer that gives him the strength to subdue this demon for limited amounts of time.... sooo he wants to over throw the kingdom, kill his brother, all that good stuff, ill add more when i remember it. Heres some sketches of him, old to new.
Anything you can offer is appreciated, thanks!
Il like the idea for the gost arm and nice vilain !
i remember this guy. very cool, i do love the ghost arms. since you ask for comments I'll mention something i just thought of - what if you extended the metallic material to his chest region, that way you could have the cloth interacting with the metal in an unusual way e.g. maybe part of the robe hangs from the metal. just a thought.... looks great though.
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