
Goblin Death Knight

Im back! A new wave of World of Warcraft trading cards were released, so heres my Goblin Death Knight from that set. This one was another battle, but i think in the end i was able to wrassle it into submission. One day id like to just paint something, and have it effortlessly come out just how i saw it in my foggy head. Does that ever happen?


Anonymous said...

Haha, one day, in that glorious eureka moment you will find yourself stunned by the movement of your hand, the lines appearing on that blank canvas... or not ^^

What fun would that be? Not suprising yourself one bit, just think it and bam!?

Nah mate, great piece, great art, great attitude.

Keep kicking it! One day I hope to be able to whip out art at your level.


Eric Braddock said...

Damn, dude. This looks awesome :)

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